Multisensory teaching for dyscalculia and maths difficulties

Multisensory teaching for dyscalculia and maths difficulties

Multisensory teaching can help children who have difficulty with maths and/or dyscalculia. Using all of the senses when learning what numbers and symbols represent can help children to remember and use this new information. Read on for different methods to try. Click here to read more about multisensory techniques to support reading and spelling.

Building with cubes and tiles

Cubes and tiles give children a solid, visual idea of the figures they are working with. You can also use these to teach operations such as stacking cubes in groups according to a pattern, for example, 3, 6, 9, 12 - the child can then continue building. When the patterns is complete, you can use the visual of the cubes to discuss the connections between the stacks and the numbers they represent.

Using manipulatives to understand maths operations

Using simple dried pantry items like cereal or dried beans, the child can complete maths operations using these as objects which they can manipulate. For example, they could add two sets of beans together to solve an addition question, or find out how much is left after taking away some beans. Grouping the objects together can also give helpful visuals when completing multiplication and division. Physically manipulating objects can help children develop number sense and understand amounts.

Drawing to support maths

The next step, after using physical objects, would be to encourage the child to draw maths equations - this again gives them a visual of what they are doing, and is moving in the direction of using numbers and symbols to write down equations. For example, a child could solve the problem 2x4 by drawing two lots of four stars. Children can also colour in squares on squared paper and then visualise and count these up at the end.

Tapping and using poppits for numbers

Tapping out or pushing down poppit bubbles for numbers can help children connect symbols to actual amounts, and “feel” the value. This is especially useful for working with multiples. For example, if a child had to list multiples of 4, they would begin by tapping sets of 4, counting as they go. Every fourth number gets a louder tap and is written down (“1, 2, 3, 4! 5, 6, 7, 8! 9, 10, 11, 12!”). On completion, the child will have a list which they can use to answer multiplication and division problems.

Using music to support maths

There are many ways to connect math and music. Children can use songs to help memorise math rules and there are many songs already created like this on youtube. Playing musical notes can help children to learn grouping or fractional parts. You can play one note on a keyboard and hold it for a count of four. This is the “whole note.” Next, you can ask, “How many quarter notes make a whole note?” This discussion can then be linked to the writing down of fractions.

Movement to support maths

Using movement is both engaging and can help children retain what they have learnt. A child could demonstrate angles by rotating their body while standing in a hula-hoop. A nice game is to write numbers on the outside of a large ball (these could be whole numbers, fractions, or decimals.) Pass the ball around and each time someone catches it, they have to complete a maths operation with the two numbers their hands land on.

Bundling sticks for place value and regrouping

One way to introduce kids to regrouping and place value is to have them bundle lollipop sticks together in groups of 10. For example, the child could be asked to solve 45 – 9 using sticks. By collecting 4 bundles of ten and 5 single (or “ones”) sticks, they can see how each place in the number 45 holds value. Then, to subtract 9, they need to break apart one of the bundles to make 15 individual sticks. After taking 9 out, this leaves 3 bundles and 6 sticks remaining, or 36.

Building with base 10 blocks

These blocks come in different sizes that represent 1000s (a “cube”), 100s (a “flat”), 10s (a “long”), and 1s (a “unit”). Children can form numbers with them to identify place value. They can also use them to perform operations, show regrouping, and find patterns. For example, the child could be asked to “build” the number 265 using the blocks. Kids need to select two 100-blocks, six 10-blocks, and five 1-blocks. Then ask, “Which digit has the greatest value: 2, 6 or 5?

Creating a hundreds chart

A hundreds chart can help children who struggle to see number relationships. A child can be given a black-and-white 100s grid. (A grid is a large square broken into 100 smaller square units). The child can be asked to shade in 1/4 of the whole grid, and then be asked to find the number of square units they coloured in . The connection is that 1/4 is the same as 25 out of 100, or 25 percent.

Pizza slices for fractions

Cutting a pizza into slices is a useful way to help teach fractions. You can make several pizzas out of paper, then cut them into slices of different sizes. This way, children can “see” fractions like 1/8 or 1/4 by selecting slices of pizza. Using different colours for different size slices lets kids match equivalent fractions like 2/8 and 1/4. Kids can also combine slices to make a “whole” pizza.

Speech Assessment

An assessment of speech is designed to give an idea of any diagnoses that may be indicated, such as phonological delay, dysarthria or apraxia-of-speech. A speech and language therapist would first need to make sure a child can process the sounds that they are hearing, as if a child cannot ‘hear’ a sound, they are unlikely to be able to produce it. Detailed analysis of articulation and and any phonological processes would be conducted. The following gives an indication of some measures that may be used during the assessment:

  • Initial discussion and taking of background information

  • Taking of developmental history

  • An articulation assessment for evaluating consonants and vowels in words,

  • Assessment of the stimulability of error phonemes both in isolation and in syllable contexts

  • Assessment of phonology for determining error patterns and similarities in phoneme production across single words and connected speech contexts

  • Assessment of word inconsistency for examining the variability of a child’s phonological error patterns

  • An Oral Motor Screen for identifying oral motor difficulties that may require further in-depth assessment

  • An analysis of syllable structures and how these may impact on phoneme production

Language Assessment

A language assessment will include an in-depth analysis of both receptive and expressive language. The following gives an indication of some measures that may be used during the assessment using both formal and informal assessment tools :

  • Initial discussion and taking of background information

  • Taking of developmental history

  • Assessment of ability to understand relevant concepts and follow directions

  • Assessment of word classes and vocabulary knowledge

  • Assessment of sentence structure

  • Assessment of word structure

  • Ability to recall and formulate sentences will be assessed

  • Exploring how language is used in conversation

  • Identifying how a child can build a narrative/story and how they can sequence events

  • Looking at use of and understanding of questions

  • Identifying things which already help and things which don’t

Adult DCD Dyspraxia Assessment for DSA

UK DCD descriptor (2018)

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), also known as Dyspraxia in the UK, is a medical disorder affecting movement and coordination in children, young people and adults with serious symptoms present since childhood. DCD is distinct from other motor disorders such as cerebral palsy and stroke and occurs across the range of intellectual abilities. This lifelong condition is recognised by international organisations including the World Health Organisation. A person’s coordination difficulties affect their functioning of everyday skills and participation in education, work, and leisure activities. Difficulties may vary in their presentation and these may also change over time depending on environmental demands, life experience, and the support given. There may be difficulties learning new skills. The movement and coordination difficulties often persist in adulthood, although non-motor difficulties may become more prominent as expectations and demands change over time. A range of co-occurring difficulties can have a substantial adverse impact on life including mental and physical health, and difficulties with time management, planning, personal organisation, and social skills. With appropriate recognition, reasonable adjustments, support, and strategies in place people with DCD can be very successful in their lives.

The professional making the DSA assessment cannot make a diagnosis of DCD Dyspraxia but can review evidence and agree that referral to an occupational therapist may be useful. it is highly unlikely that professionals such as preschool staff, trained infant teachers and PE teachers will not have noted movement and coordination difficulties in the early and later years and this information will have been recorded in school and nursery reports. it is also highly unlikely that parents haven’t noted poor movement and coordination and discussed with the family GP. Consequently there will be a paper trail.

If a student has serious concerns about movement and coordination which have persisted since childhood then then prior to the assessment:

  1. Read the description of DCD Dyspraxia above carefully and discuss with parents or other relatives.

  2. Watch these videos:

  3. Gather records from the GP and old school reports and any other hard copy evidence of a history of significant and serious difficulties with movement and coordination.

  4. Print and complete The Adult DCD Checklist:

  5. Bring your evidence to your assessment, the assessor will be able to score The Adult DCD Checklist and discuss.

International Students and Extra Time in Exams

We are often asked by international students if they can receive access arrangements in university examinations. The short answer is yes, reasonable adjustments must be applied by law (2010 Equality Act) to everyone in the UK. The best way to establish if you are entitled to Access arrangements under the Act is to opt for an assessment with a suitably qualified professional. If you are studying in a university this will be an educational psychologist or a similarly well qualified person. The assessment we offer is known as the DSA Assessment, the reason being that there is a substantial grant given to UK residents who have educational needs as identified by a suitably qualified professional, known as the DSA. Access arrangements can take many forms but would usually include:

  • Extra time in examinations, usually 25%

  • The use of a PC in examinations

  • Assistance with reading examination questions

  • Extensions to coursework deadlines

The DSA assessment is a highly regulated assessment and is the standard assessment report required by universities across the UK, regardless of the status of the students, UK nationals or international students, regardless if the student applies for DSA or not. The simple way to think of it is that the DSA is the assessment you need if you are a university student in the UK, regardless of your funding status.

To see details of the DSA assessment follow this link:

Handwriting is very painful in university examinations.

We are often asked by university students if they can use a PC in examinations. This is an example of they type of email enquiry we receive:

Dear Educational Psychologist,
I am a student currently in university, and am finding writing increasingly difficult. My writing grip has always been very tight, and I write with a lot of force. I’m finding it increasingly painful to write, as my grip is so tight my hand gets sore quite quickly and this causes my handwriting speed to become very slow. I would like to use a PC in my university examinations, can you help me?


Dear Student,
I am very happy to make this assessment and you are correct providing you have evidence from a suitably qualified professional then you are entitled to reasonable adjustments in examinations, in this case it is likely that the use of a PC would solve the problem, but an array of adjustments are possible.  

Our DSA assessment would be the most suitable for you:


Can a 7 year old be assessed for dyslexia

This is a question that we are often asked. For instance:

Dear Educational Psychologist
We are interested in an assessment with you for our daughter she is 7 years old. We suspect she may have dyslexia. Is it still possible to detect with any certainty that she does/does not have dyslexia?

My reply:

Dear Mr and Mrs Another,
I can test underlying ability (IQ) and literacy skills then make a statistical comparison, this would lead to, two possible conclusions that there is or is not a statistically significant discrepancy between individual literacy scores e.g. word reading accuracy and underlying ability to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty.  At this point if there is a discrepancy to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, then the psychologist makes a judgment call based upon historical evidence of intervention to diagnose a specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia. If there is no statistically significant discrepancy then the psychologist may reject the hypothesis of a specific learning difficulty or based upon the totality of the assessment identify anomalies in functioning and performance that whilst they are not statistically significant still cause concern, for instance the psychologist might observe an inconsistent pattern to reading for comprehension performance, and suggest intervention  All of this assessment would be included in our fixed fee assessment.

The Difference Between Learning Difficulties and Learning Disability

“What the difference is between the term learning difficulties and learning disability.”

This question is often asked by clients via our email advice service.  We prefer to use internationally recognised and agreed terms such as those defined in DSM-5 and ICD 10.  The most recently reviewed being DSM-5.  DSM-5 is the diagnostic manual produced by the American Psychiatric Association.  It has international acceptance.  The ICD 10 also has international acceptance and is produced by The World Health organisation (WHO) With respect to both DSM-5 and ICD 10 the terms learning difficulties and learning disability are not found. 

The term Specific Learning Disorder is found in DSM-5 and refers to difficulties with reading, reading fluency, reading comprehension, spelling accuracy, grammar and punctuation accuracy and organisation of written expression. Dyslexia is cited as an alternate term. 

DSM-5 also refer to Intellectual Disability this term is used to describe people who find learning generally difficult, there will be difficulties learning both in the academic setting and home and social settings.  IQ would generally be in the bottom 2% of the population (IQ 70 or below).

Children who are persistently given detentions at school.

I have a very varied practice seeing both quite young children all the way through to adults.  I am also trained to assess adults for attention deficit disorder (ADD).  When assessing adults for ADD a very important part of the assessment is their history of difficulties with impulse control and attention during the early developmental period, that is to say before 12 years of age and then their difficulties with the same during secondary education.   Time and time again I see clients who are polite, responsible adults from good homes who describe having been in persistent trouble at school.  During their secondary school education, they describe being given frequent detentions and it is concerning that the school does not see this pattern as being of sufficient concern to warrant further investigation.   As it is passingly rare to see a client with a simple diagnostic profile as in just one diagnosis such dyslexia or ADD it is worrying that other comorbid conditions are also being missed. In essence, it is the complex mix of specific learning difficulties that are causing the child to present with inappropriate behaviors that then lead to detentions having to be regularly served.

I would suggest that all schools review the children who are being subject to sanctions and if a child is getting more than one detention per term then at least some form of assessment should take place. My preference would be to refer the child for an educational psychologist assessment. I understand that EP time is rare and limited and so priorities have to be identified but many parents will be confused by their child being in frequent trouble at school and be prepared to fund an EP assessment if so advised by the school.  Behaviour is a symptom, it is the job of the adults to try and figure out the cause.  Humans are group animals we do not act outside the heard behavior unless something is wrong.  



Managing ADD/ADHD in the classroom

Teachers know what many professionals do not: that there is no one syndrome of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) but many; that ADD rarely occurs in "pure" form by itself, but rather it usually shows up entangled with several other problems such as learning disabilities or mood problems; that the face of ADD changes with the weather, inconstant and unpredictable; and that the treatment for ADD, despite what may be serenely elucidated in various texts, remains a task of hard work and devotion. There is no easy solution for the management of ADD in the classroom, or at home for that matter. after all is said and done, the effectiveness of any treatment for this disorder at school depends upon the knowledge and persistence of the school and the individual teacher.

Here are a few tips on the school management of the child with ADD. The following suggestions are intended for teachers in the classroom, teachers of children of all ages. Some suggestions will be obviously more appropriate for younger children, others for older, but the unifying themes of structure, education, and encouragement pertain to all.

First of all, make sure what you are dealing with really is ADD. It is definitely not up to the teacher to diagnose ADD, but you can and should raise questions. Specifically, make sure someone has tested the child's hearing and vision recently, and make sure other medical problems have been ruled out. Make sure an adequate evaluation has been done. Keep questioning the SENCo until you are convinced.

Second, build your support. Being a teacher in a classroom where there are two or three kids with ADD can be extremely tiring. Make sure you have the support of the school and the parents. Make sure there is a knowledgeable person with whom you can consult when you have a problem (learning specialist, child psychiatrist, social worker, educational psychologist, pediatrician - the person's degree doesn't really matter. What matters is that he or she knows lots about ADD, has seen lots of kids with ADD, knows their or her way around a classroom, and can speak plainly.) Make sure the parents are working with you. Make sure your colleagues can help you out.

Third, know your limits. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You, as a teacher, cannot be expected to be an expert on ADD. You should feel comfortable in asking for help when you feel you need it.

ASK THE CHILD WHAT WILL HELP. Children can often tell you how they can learn best if you ask them. They are often too embarrassed to volunteer the information because it can be rather eccentric. But try to sit down with the child individually and ask how he or she learns best. By far the best "expert" on the how the child learns best is the child himself or herself. It is amazing how often their opinions are ignored or not asked for. In addition, especially with older kids, make sure the child understands what ADD is. This will help both of you a lot.

Having taken the aboveinto account, try the following:

Remember that ADD kids need structure. They need their environment to structure externally what they can't structure internally on their own. Make lists. Children with ADD benefit greatly from having a table or list to refer back to when they get lost in what they're doing. They need reminders. They need previews. They need repetition. They need direction. They need limits. They need structure.

REMEMBER THE EMOTIONAL PART OF LEARNING. These children need special help in finding enjoyment in the classroom, mastery instead of failure and frustration, excitement instead of boredom or fear. It is essential to pay attention to the emotions involved in the learning process.

Post rules. Have them written down and in full view. The children will be reassured by knowing what is expected of them.

Repeat directions. Write down directions. Speak directions. Repeat directions. People with ADD need to hear things more than once.

Make frequent eye contact. You can "bring back" an ADD child with eye contact. Do it often. A glance can retrieve a child from a daydream or give permission to ask a question or just give silent reassurance.

Seat the ADD child near your desk or wherever you are most of the time. This helps stave off the drifting away that so bedevils these children.

Set limits, boundaries. This is containing and soothing, not punitive. Do it consistently, predictably, promptly, and plainly. DON'T get into complicated, lawyer-like discussions of fairness. These long discussions are just a diversion. Take charge.

Have as predictable a schedule as possible. Post it on the blackboard or the child's desk. Refer to it often. If you are going to vary it, as most interesting teachers do, give lots of warning and preparation. Transitions and unannounced changes are very difficult for these children. They become discombobulated around them. Take special care to prepare for transitions will in advance. Announce what is going to happen, then give repeat warnings as the time approaches.

Try to help the kids make their own schedules for after school in an effort to avoid one of the hallmarks of ADD: procrastination.

Eliminate or reduce frequency of timed tests. There is no great educational value to timed tests, and they definitely do not allow many children with ADD to show what they know.

Allow for escape valve outlets such as leaving class for a moment. If this can be built into the rules of the classroom, it will allow the child to leave the room rather than "lose it," and in so doing begin to learn important tools of self-observation and self-modulation.

Go for quality rather than quantity of homework. Children with ADD often need a reduced load. As long as they are learning the concepts, they should be allowed this. They will put in the same amount of study time, just not bet buried under more than they can handle.

Monitor progress often. Children with ADD benefit greatly from frequent feedback, it helps keep them on track, lets them know what is expected of them and if they are meeting their goals, and can be very encouraging

Break down large tasks into small tasks. This is one of the most crucial of all teaching techniques for children with ADD. Large tasks quickly overwhelm the child and he recoils with an emotional "I'll-NEVER-be-able-to-do-THAT" kind of response. By breaking the task down into manageable parts, each component looking small enough to be do-able, the child can sidestep the emotion of being overwhelmed. In general, these kids can do a lot more than they think they can. By breaking tasks down, the teacher can let the child prove this to himself or herself. With small children this can be extremely helpful in avoiding tantrums born of anticipatory frustration. And with older children it can help them avoid the defeatist attitude that so often gets in their way. And it helps in many other ways, too. You should do it all the time.

Let yourself be playful, have fun, be unconventional, be flamboyant. Introduce novelty into the day. People with ADD love novelty. They respond to it with enthusiasm. It helps keep attention - the kids' attention and yours as well. These children are full of life - they love to play. And above all they hate being bored. So much of their "treatment" involves boring stuff like structure, schedules, lists, and rules, you want to show them that those things do not have to go hand in hand with being a boring person, a boring teacher, or running a boring classroom. Every once in a while, if you can let yourself be a little bit silly, that will help a lot.

Still gain, watch out for overstimulation. Like a pot on the fire, ADD can boil over. You need to be able to reduce the heat in a hurry. The best way of dealing with chaos in the classroom is to prevent it in the first place.

Seek out and underscore success as much as possible. These kids live with so much failure, they need all the positive handling they can get. This point cannot be overemphasized: these children need and benefit from praise. They love encouragement. They drink it up and grow from it. And without it, they shrink and wither. Often the most devastating aspect of ADD is not the ADD itself, but the secondary damage done to self-esteem. So water these children well with encouragement and praise.

Memory is often a problem with these kids. Teach them little tricks like mnemonics, flashcards, etc. They often have problems with what Mel Levine calls "active working memory", the space available on your minds table, so to speak. Any little tricks you can devise - cues, rhymes, codes and the like- can help a great deal to enhance memory.

Use outlines. Teach outlining. Teach underlining. These techniques do not come easily to children with ADD, but once they learn the techniques it can help a great deal in that they structure and shape what is being learned as it is being learned. This helps give the child a sense of mastery DURING THE LEARNING PROCESS, when he or she needs it most, rather than the dim sense of futility that is so often the defining emotion of these kids' learning process.

Announce what you are going to say before you say it. Say it. Then say what you have said. Since many ADD children learn better visually than by voice, if you can write what you're going to say as well as say it, that can be most helpful. This kind of structuring glues the ideas in place.

Simplify instructions. Simplify choices. Simplify scheduling. The simpler the verbiage the more likely it will be comprehended. And use colourful language. Like colour coding, colourful language keeps attention.

Use feedback that helps the child become self-observant. Children with ADD tend to be poor self-observers. They often have no idea how they come across or how they have been behaving. Try to give them this information in a constructive way. Ask questions like, "Do you know what you just did?" or "How do you think you might have said that differently?" or "Why do you think that other girl looked sad when you said what you said?" Ask questions that promote self-observation.

Make expectations explicit.

A point system is a possibility as part of behavioural modification or reward system for younger children. Children with ADD respond well to rewards and incentives. Many are little entrepreneurs.

If the child seems has trouble reading social cues - body language, tone of voice, timing and the like - try discreetly to offer specific and explicit advice as a sort of social coaching. For example, say, "Before I tell your story, ask to hear the other person's first," or, "Look at the other person when he's talking." Many children with ADD are viewed as indifferent or selfish, when in fact they just haven't learned how to interact. This skill does not come naturally to all children, but it can be taught or coached.

Teach test-taking skills.

Make a game out of things. Motivation improves ADD.

Separate pairs and trios, whole clusters even, that don't do well together. You might have to try many arrangements.

Pay attention to connectedness. These kids need to feel engaged, connected. As long as they are engaged, they will feel motivated and be less likely to tune out.

Try a home-to-school home notebook. This can really help with the day-to-day parent-teacher communication and avoid the crisis meetings. It also helps with the frequent feedback these kids need.

Try to use daily progress reports.

Encourage and structure for self-reporting, self-monitoring. Brief exchanges at the end of class can help with this. Consider also timers, buzzers, etc.

Prepare for unstructured time. These kids need to know in advance what is going to happen so they can prepare for it internally. If they are suddenly given unstructured time, it can be over-stimulating.

Prepare for unstructured time. These kids need to know in advance what is going to happen so they can prepare for it internally. If they suddenly are given unstructured time, it can be over-stimulating.

Praise, stroke, approve, encourage, nourish.

With older kids, have then write little notes to themselves to remind them of their questions. In essence, they take notes not only on what is being said to them, but what they are thinking as well. This will help them listen better.

Handwriting is difficult for many of these children. Consider developing alternatives. Learn how to use a keyboard. Dictate. Give tests orally.

Be like the conductor of a symphony. Get the orchestra's attention before beginning (You may use silence, or the tapping of your baton to do this.) Keep the class "in time" , pointing to different parts of the room as you need their help.

When possible, arrange for student to have a "study buddy" in each subject, with phone number (adapted from Gary Smith).

Explain and normalize the treatment the child receives to avoid stigma.

Meet with parents often. Avoid pattern of just meeting around problems or crises.

Encourage reading aloud at home. Read aloud in class as much as possible. Use story-telling. Help the child built the skill of staying on one topic.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Exercise. One of the best treatments for ADD in both children and adults, is exercise, preferably vigorous exercise. Exercise helps work off excess energy, it helps focus attention, it stimulates certain hormones and neurochemicals that are beneficial, and it is fun. Make sure the exercise IS fun, so the child will continue to do it for the rest of his or her life.

With older children, stress preparation prior to coming into class. The better idea the child has of what will be discussed on any given day, the more likely the material will be mastered in class.

Always be on the lookout for sparking moments. These kids are far more talented and gifted than they often seem. They are full of creativity, play, spontaneity, and good cheer. They tend to be resilient, always bouncing back. They tend to be generous of spirit, and glad to help out. They usually have a "special something" that enhances whatever setting they're in. Remember, there is a melody inside that cacophony, a symphony yet to be written.

Short Lecture on the Assessment and Diagnosis of Dyscalculia.

I was asked to make a presentation to a group of senior decision makers from universities across London with respect to dyscalclia. To make the talk available to a wider audience I added a voice over to the PowerPoint presentation and published on YouTube.  Hope you find it interesting.

If you are interested in an assessment which would include dyscalculia, I would suggest our DSA assessment which is a through diagnostic assessment aimed at university students, but can be used as an adult diagnostic assessment, or our work related assessment, which is focused on the person in a particular job, both assessments include all specific learning difficulties.

If you would like to make an appointment please contact:

Dyslexia South

Tel: 07805 432652



ASD Links

Cerebral Palsy

Some helpful sites that we have found are: is a comprehensive informational website on cerebral palsy and behavioural health. The founder is someone who’s lived with cerebral palsy since infancy, he knows how critical it is for parents of a child with CP to have access to reliable and comprehensive information on this complex condition.

This site includes advice about a wide range of therapies aimed at treating and maintaining the physical and mental well being of children and adults with cerebral palsy and/or behavioural and cognitive disorders. is a national support organization dedicated to educating individuals and families about cerebral palsy and other birth injuries. They have put together a list of resources for parents to provide answers and help guide families to the assistance they need to help improve their overall quality of life.


Access arrangements for GMAT Exam.

This is an American examination and the report must be made according to the diagnostic criteria in DSM-5, which is the guide to diagnosis used in the USA.  There is a requirement that a substantial body of evidence is referred to in the report.  It is important that you have evidence form your past, such as old school reports, assessment reports, letters etc. 

It can be very difficult to find an educational psychologist to make this type of assessment in the UK.  

Difficulties at Work.

Difficulties at Work.

To experience difficulties at work can be one of the most stressful life events, particularly if you have dependents and commitments.  Our practice borders with the City of London a huge financial centre where many people live and work, consequently we have received many requests to assess employees and have developed a thorough assessment for employees experiencing difficulties at work. 

If you find you:

·         Are less productive than peers

·         Find it difficult to read fast and accurately comprehend.

·         Have poor spelling skills.

·         Find it difficult to write reports.

·         Have difficultly concentrating in meetings.

·         Make silly mistakes.

·         Have difficulties organising your thoughts.

·         Have difficulty with number related activity.

In general clients request assessment for two main reasons, firstly confusion and secondly conflict. Clients or their employer may be confused as to why a valued employee appears to perform at a lower level than peers with respect to some occupational duties. A less frequent referral route is from solicitors and trade unions as well as individual clients as there is conflict at work about levels of performance. 

We have consistently found that the assessment process is a useful way of identifying causes behind occupational inefficiency and this has many benefits. Reasonable adjustments can be suggested which allow for focused intervention and supportive practice, that leads to good outcomes. The assessment process is also a very good opportunity for an employee to evaluate themselves against the demands of their workplace duties. 

Work related assessment fee £550  

You may find this video of interest.

If you would like to arrange for an assessment connected with difficulties at work please contact The Dyslexia Centre 0207 018 0210

See also: DSA assessment for those in adult education.


Palin Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for young children (0-7) who stammer

The Michael Palin Centre is an internationally recognised centre for excellence in the field of stammering, credited with the exposition of the multifactorial model of stammering as well as Palin Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. The multifactorial model explains stammering as a phenomenon that does not have a single cause, but occurs because of several contributing factors. These include physiological, psychological, linguistic (speech and language), and environmental factors.

Comprehensive assessment of a child who stammers should explore each of these factors. The resultant formulation should aim to highlight factors contributing towards a child’s stammer that can be changed. Palin Parent-Child Interaction Therapy provides parents with the opportunity to reflect on their interaction with their child during free-play using short video recordings made during each session. Thorough discussion with the SLT parents learn to positively affect their child’s communication environment, while the young person experiences more opportunities to be fluent.

The programme involves an initial assessment, a 6 week period of direct therapy, a 6 week consolidation period where parents implement what has been learned at home, followed by a review session on the 12th week. A longitudinal study (Millard, Nicholas & Cook; 2008) has demonstrated the effectiveness of Palin Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for child who have stammered for 12 months or more.



Millard, S. K., Nicholas, A., & Cook, F. M. (2008). Is parent–child interaction therapy effective in reducing stuttering?. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research51(3), 636-650.

Taking Notes In Lectures

Possibly the simplest clue to dyslexia in a student is their answer to the question 'Can you take notes in a lecture?'. The answer is usually some variation on 'no'. Sometimes it is ‘Oh my word, not a chance’. Sometimes it is 'Yes, but I can't read them afterwards'. It all amounts to the same thing. What it means is that they don't leave a lecture much wiser than when they entered it.

Dyslexics are weak at processing language. This is not limited to the written word. They also have a weakness in absorbing and storing information in lectures. They are not so good at 'extracting value' from lecturers 'talking at them'.

Sometimes this is partly the fault of the teacher. Academics often believe that subject knowledge is the only criteria that determines their competence. Teaching skill is sometimes not considered a requirement. Some students have to endure lectures that are three hours long. No-one learns well in that situation and dyslexic students find it particularly difficult.

The issue is how much information or 'value' does the student get from the lecture? And what can they do to get more?

The first suggestion is sometimes a little intimidating for the eager-to-learn-and-remember dyslexic. Try not writing at all. 'But then I won't remember any of it!', they say. 'How much of it do you remember at the moment? is the next question. 'Very little', comes the reply.

The attempt to make notes, however futile, is often a long-practised and deep-seated habit. It's like clinging onto a flimsy piece of driftwood in a raging sea. It won't save you, but it's hard to let go. But once the student has relaxed and accepted that retaining everything is not possible – or reasonable to expect – and that relaxing, enjoying the lecture and allowing the brain to catch what it catches and miss what it misses, often more is retained than before. And more understood.

Long lectures are not good for imparting lots of detailed information. What they should be used for is giving an overview, or explaining important points, or providing direction. If the student sets out to achieve some of these objectives – rather than trying to retain great clumps of detail – they will begin to get better value from the experience.

Some students are able to audio-record their lectures. They usually find, though, that they don't have time to listen to them all the way through. Imagine having to attend all your lectures twice and you'll understand why. A strategy for dealing with this is to be alert to which sections of the lecture are particularly significant – an important theorist or significant event – and mark this on the recording, perhaps by re-starting it at that point and making it easy to find. Then these sections can be reviewed later.

Another successful technique is to spend a little time after a lecture to quietly make notes on what is immediately retained. This can be done alone or with one or two fellow students. The key is relaxation. The brain works better when it isn't trying too hard. Just sit, pen in hand, and let the lecture wash through the brain. Note what comes to mind. Don't try to actively remember, just note what the moment presents. Often most of the salient points will be 'captured'.

Reading in advance of the lecture can also be a big help. If the course is well organised, the subject of the lecture will be available in a course overview or on a VLE. Try finding the relevant chapter in a course reader or text-book and scan-read it (see Reading Tips). Read the first and last paragraph in the relevant section and anything else that grabs your attention. That's usually enough to prepare you better for the lecture and helps you follow it.

Also, you can prepare a template for the lecture. Take a single page of A4 and put headings on it from the reading. Just four or five bullet points on the main issues you'll encounter. You might then like to add to that during the lecture. Don’t try to add much, just a further four or five phrases – a date, a theorist's name, a movement or the name of a theory.

Finally, if you don't already receive them, you can ask the lecturer for notes to the lecture. Of course, if you already do, you're probably not reading this piece. Many lecturers feel, wrongly, that writing in the lecture leads to better absorption of the material for all. That's to misunderstand what it means to be a right-brained learner (of course, not having the burden of providing notes makes the lecturer's life easier). Making learning easy for everyone should be the objective and some people learn much more easily when they have notes in advance of lectures.

You can always ask..

Written by Simon Hopper

Diagnosis Of Dysgraphia

The Diagnosis of Dysgraphia
The term dysgraphia is taken from the Greek word, (dys) meaning "bad" or "difficult" and (graphia) meaning "writing." Thus, "dygraphia" literally means "bad writing". In contemporary terms, this has been defined by DSM-IV (2000) – now superseded by DSM-V (2013) - as a learning disability with impairment in written expression: the inability to write primarily referring to handwriting, but also in terms of coherence.

DSM V does not offer diagnostic criteria for dysgraphia, but does include difficulties with written expression within the criteria for diagnosing specific learning disorder. For a student with no difficulties with written expression but with generally hard to read and illegible handwriting there is no internationally recognised diagnostic criteria, such as ICD-10 or DSM V, that a clinician can refer to.

Searches of the internet reveal many definitions of dysgraphia which include difficulties with: fine motor co-ordination, organisation and presentation of written material, writing to be distorted or incorrect, letters and numbers may be backwards and out of order, expressing thoughts in writing, not understanding the spellings of words, having trouble with punctuation, more than simply “untidy” writing; it affects people’s ability to write effortlessly, a neurological condition that impairs writing and memory processing.

Using the latest DSM 5 definition of specific learning disorder most of the above would now fall within the diagnostic criteria for specific learning disorder, except for difficulties with the act of writing by hand. Because of this some practitioners now consider dysgraphia to be defunct as a diagnosis.

Dysgraphia is a very useful descriptor for handwriting that is so hard to read that it is generally illegible. Dyslexia South uses a very simple criteria: If a free writing sample is more than 25% illegible; that is more than one out of four words are illegible, or can only be read by reading around the target word to deduce what the word is, then the person’s handwriting is considered to be dysgraphic. We use a technique whereby the sample is read from the bottom in reverse, which helps to ensure that each word is read in isolation.

Dyslexia South Criteria for Dysgraphia

More than 25% of handwriting sample hard to read or illegible when the sample is read from the bottom backwards.

Two samples of dysgraphic handwriting: