The examination boards in the UK offer a variety of access arrangements for candidates who demonstrate a need for these, generally through adaptations being required in the classroom along with a set of standardised scores which fit JCQ requirements.
The type of access arrangement will very much depend upon the results of testing, history, interview with the young person and their normal method of working. Assessments for access arrangements should occur in or after year 9. Generally schools have their own access arrangement assessors, however parents may feel their child is not being considered for special arrangements and in this case, they can seek their own assessment through either a Level 7 specialist assessor or an educational psychologist. The assessor and school must agree and communicate in advance if a private assessor is going to complete a Form 8 for Access Arrangements for the school. Often, a private report is used to inform an internal school access arrangements assessor of the difficulties they should look out for, and they then conduct their assessment accordingly.
A full SpLD assessment will give much more information than an access arrangement assessment, and may pick up more subtle difficulties or identify ways of working which could be missed in a quick access arrangement assessment. The assessor can recommend a variety of adjustments such as, extra time, the use of a scribe, the transcription of the candidates script, use of a computer if this is the candidates main method of recording at school/college etc. The aim is to allow, as far as is possible, a fair and level playing field for the candidate to operate on, without giving them unfair advantage.
Pressure of work often leads to only the most severely impacted children being assessed and offered access arrangements. If you feel your child needs additional support in exam, and no moves are being made to request access arrangements, then you need to liaise with the school and ask them to either complete their own access arrangements assessment, or ask that they liaise with an assessor who you as a parent are going to employ.
Dana at Dyslexia South works alongside schools in this way to complete assessments for schools and will complete a Form 8 for schools as long as this has been agreed in advance, and as long as school have completed and provided Dana with the relevant paperwork PRIOR to any assessment being undertaken.
Please contact us to discuss further or book an appointment.