Relaxation Therapy

The use of a relaxation programme can be a very powerful instrument for change.  If you decide to use this technique, it is crucial that it is done at least six times per week.  It is a useful tool when dealing with children who are anxious, either generally, or in a specific context such as exam rooms.  It is useful when dealing with children who tend to present regular or occasional acts of extreme anger in the wrong context, and when anger is an inappropriate reaction to the offence if used as part of an anger management programme. 


As part of a conservative approach to the treatment of ADHD, or as part of a treatment programme that includes medication; it can be a crucial part of the overall intervention.  You can hear an example of how to deliver the script on this Youtube video. Use the script to make a recording for the child to use. The child should commit to engaging in this activity every day.  After one month the child will have become skilled at checking for tension in their body.  At this point, a cue is needed for the child to check themselves for tension such as a red dot on their watch.  If they do not wear a watch, then perhaps a mark on their school bag or for very young children a toy placed in the classroom in a place where they will tend to look fairly regularly.  Particularly with young children, active and regular intervention by the teacher and parent should be undertaken. Gently touching the child on the shoulder and saying "go floppy" is a useful technique for this.  Whenever the cue is heard or seen the child should take a moment to check themselves for tension and then let go of it.  After a period of time, approximately three to six months the child will be automatically checking themselves for tension and releasing it without the use of a prompt.  The use of the tape can then be stopped. Some children like to listen to the tape while laying on a bean bag, although this is fine, the activity is best done whilst sitting.

Should this intervention not produce the desired results, or if you feel your child needs a more complex intervention, it may be useful to seek advice.

Seek advice.        

Relaxation Script

Sit comfortably close your eyes and think of nothing. 

Now make your hands into fists, go on really squeeze those fists.  Feel that tight feeling,----- feel that tight feeling. ------ And now relax/go floppy. ----- Think of that lovely feeling of relaxation (or think of that lovely floppy feeling for younger children.) 

Make your hands into tight fists again and bring your hands up to touch your shoulders. Feel that tight feeling along your arms.  Feel the tight feeling and relax, think of that lovely feeling of relaxation (or think of that lovely floppy feeling.) 

Now relax your arms, let them hang loosely by your side.  Push your shoulders up and try and touch your ears.  Go on really push upwards. Feel that tight feeling in your shoulders.  Feel the tight feeling and relax, think of that lovely feeling of relaxation (or think of that lovely floppy feeling.) 

This time scrunch up your face.  Really scrunch up your face. Feel that tight feeling in you face and relax, think of that lovely feeling of relaxation (or think of that lovely floppy feeling). 

Now make your tummy muscles tight go on really tighten those muscles. Feel that tight feeling.  Feel the tight feeling and relax, think of that lovely feeling of relaxation (or think of that lovely floppy feeling.) 

Push your tummy forward this time, make your back arch, feel the tight feeling all along your back, feel that tight feeling and relax, think of that wonderful feeling of relaxation. 

Tighten the muscles in your legs, feel those muscles tightening, feel that tight feeling and relax. Feel that tight feeling along your arms.  Feel the tight feeling and relax, think of that lovely feeling of relaxation (or think of that lovely floppy feeling.) 

Now make yours toes into fists, really scrunch up those toes.  Feel that tight feeling.  Feel the tight feeling and relax, think of that lovely feeling of relaxation (or think of that lovely floppy feeling.) 

Take a deep breath hold that breath, feel that tight feeling in your lungs, feel the tight feeling now let the breath out slowly and feel all the tightness go away.   Think of that lovely feeling of relaxation (or think of that lovely floppy feeling.) 

Keep your eyes closed, we are going to check each part of your body to see if there is any tightness.  Think of your hands and arms if there is any tightness just let go of it.  Now check your shoulders, neck and face.  If you find any tightness just let go.  Check your back and shoulders, your legs and feet.  If you find any tension just let go.   

You should now be feeling wonderful and relaxed/floppy.  Just enjoy that wonderful feeling and when you feel ready open your eyes.